Sunday, July 20, 2008

Why So Serious?

Decided to watch The Dark Knight last night after reading bombastical reviews and listening to friends' great stories. WARNING: Spoiler alert!!!

So anyway, first thing's first. This movie was definitely long enough. Not like Indiana Jones. It was about 2 hours plus. Maybe it was long for me coz I was sitting at the first seat at the side, second row from the front. Hall was packed la, best seats we could get. Great storyline I would say. Besides, the storyline was a huge improvement even in Batman Begins compared to the older movies. In The Dark Knight, it really was realistic since the Joker isn't that cartoonish this time. In fact, the whole movie revolves around the Joker. Heath Ledger(God bless his soul) really did an awesome job. The Joker was so psychotic looking, enough to scare people with one look.

I guess most of the viewers didn't really expect a 2nd villian, Two-Face. Now Two-Face face(....) was a little fake. Even how he came to be was a little too simple. I mean, just because of somehting the Joker says, he turns from the greatest criminal buster to a villian who kills based on luck? Too simple la.

Since the new Batman series began, I just can't stop drooling at the technology introduced. Remote sonar scanner through mobile phones? Are there people spying on me now? And the Batmobile is just the greatest vehicle. Who would've thought one side of it could be detached and be a bike?

There were a few things I would've like to see in the movie. One, the Joker dying. Oh hell, that would've been the best. Him dropping from that high building falling splat on the road below and still laughing. Just like the original joker. Hey, maybe it did happen, and some smart ass in the Malaysian censorship board decided that it would be 'ethical' not to show it just like how the Joker torchered one of his victims earlier in the movie.

Another thing, I would like to see is a prettier more sexier female protagonist. Why no more Katie Holmes?

Other than that, I think it would easily be the best movie this year. So go catch it in cinemas ya?

No pirated DVDs. Support original.

But if you really wanna buy pirated DVDs, go to Penang and get them at RM4 a piece. :D

1 comment:

chuan said...


Batman#3 has been rumoured to feature Angelina Jolie @ Catwoman!

sexicool, eh.
