Monday, May 5, 2008

Yo Mamma......

When I woke up this morning, I turned on my radio and JJ & Rudy were talking about 'yo mamma' jokes. Well, it is Mother's Day this weekend. They even made one more of their parodies just for that special day. And I was thinking, hey why don't I share with you something I downloaded ages ago. It is pretty darn funny. It really is something classical but there's always something new you could add to it.
I have some of my own:
  1. Yo mamma so heavy that when she stands in the field, a crater is formed.
  2. Yo mamma so ugly that when she snaps a photo of herself, it doesn't show on the photograph.

And the classic Russell Peter's:

(In chinese accent) Yo Mamma so fat...thhaatt when she jum for joy....she get stuck. Ok, Thank you.

Anyway here's some from the Dave Chapelle Show, listen and enjoy:

Dave Chapelle - Yo Mamma jokes

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