Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pidato Competition

Oh God. Since we have to take Moral this semester, I've just realised that my Bahasa Malaysia is like totally $#!+... I've just lost touch with my BM after all these years its really just 2 years of not using it.

Anyway, the EMSD department is having a pidato competition and our tutor actually promised us 10 marks for our coursework if we took part. I guess its the same thing every year when n one ever wants to take part. He was motivating the class about being berani untuk bercakap di depan 'crowd' see, that's how bad my BM is. So, almost the whole class decided to take part but really, I think its not because we berani bercakap but probably more like takut takde markah. Dammit, all kiasu bastards. Waitaminute, that's me too...crap.

Me up there, talking kok...

So yeah, today after our classes, a whole big group of us went together and we just did our best in front to gain the 10 marks to impress the judges. I was kinda confident, but I guess BM ain't my cuppa tea. Screwed up big time. I decided not to hold any notes and it kinda backfired coz I forgot bits and pieces of the whole thing which really sums up to half of the whole thing.

And more kok, with a dash of nonsense. LOL.

I guess I'd better stick to English. In fact I'd prefer story-telling than public speaking. Used to win competitions in school. However I guess malay proverbs, idioms and poems are more fun. We had fun trying to come up with some pantuns and peribahasa for our pidato. I know, thay may not make any sense but check out some of this and L...your...AO:

Pen merah pen biru,
Kedua-duanya takde bulu.

Dia berpeluh bagai penguin di Gurun Sahara.

Inilah apa saya ingin berkata,
Pertandingan ini sangat celaka;
Datangnya saya demi 10 markah,
Kamu tak bagi nanti saya tampar.

Buah nangka, buah ciku,
Buah mangga dan buah duku;
Buah rambutan, buah durian,
Semuanya pun buah-buahan.

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